Monday, 7 April 2014

Escape Route

When i first met Animesh during a placement session in college, i had no idea that he was into writing. Thanks to Facebook, where he would publish excerpts from his stories, that i got to know a budding writer. I have often marveled at the innate talent people have and how they nurture it effortlessly in to an art. I think the same of his work. Fortunately for me, he agreed to be my first guest on this blog. So here we are, with the first post in this series.....the ESCAPE ROUTE.

Every day I would go to the fields, bake myself under the sun and watch young boys immerse themselves in a game of cricket. In the adjoining farms, I'd talk to a few farmers about their anticipation of rain juxtaposed with torments of paying tax. Women carried water from wells to their homes in earthen pots. The place had a strange sense of peace and security about itself. It was a small town, not a village exactly. Nobody here knew what kind of background I came from. I have to confess I underestimated the power of indifference.